Allow to save the value of chosen ClVariables in a file, at the specified frequency.
- prepare the logger
- Open the file .
- set the data LoggedClVar as :
["my clvar 1", "my clvar 2"]
The string must be the property name of ClVariable declared in module file. Please note than a to long list of ClVar can overload the RPi.
- Set the periode in second in the variable LoggerPeriode. Don't set a to small (less than 0.1s), there is a risk to overload the RPi. You can try.
- declare module in (without the ".py")
- Start the logger
- start the application as usualy
- in Application panel (Raspberry) clic on LogFile button to start,
- clic again to stop
- the file is save in folder \MaVoiture\ with a name like : "MES_yyyyMMdd-hhmmss.txt" where :
- yyyy is the year
- MM is the month
- dd is the day
- hh is the hour at start
- mm is the minute at start
- ss is the second at start